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Freemasonry in Victoria

Freemasonry focuses on personal development and community contributions, so it is no surprise that many of our most influential and notable citizens past and present are Masons.
A history of Victoria's most prominent men is also, often, a history of prominent Masons. Among these are George Brunswick Smythe, namesake of Brunswick Street, and instigator of modern Freemasonry in Victoria, and William Meek, founding Secretary of the Melbourne Club, along with George Selth Coppin who was instrumental in the birth of the Melbourne Hospital and the Royal Freemasons Homes just to name three examples.

Community minded Masons have served in public office throughout Victoria's history – Victorian Governor Generals, Mayors (such as Charles Brunton, for whom Brunton Avenue is named), and Prime Ministers Sir Edmund Barton and Sir Robert Menzies.

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